Helping to heal an ailing world
one hour, one person at a time, with
kindness & honesty, patience & trust
Welcome! I am grateful you are here.
I hope you find here all you seek. Are you looking for someone who can give a listening ear and helpful guidance rather than a formal diagnosis? Are you finding no one accepting new clients? Are you finding available therapists, but only those who charge fees too high to afford? Does your health insurance limit your options? Have you had a disappointing experience with a therapist in the past? Are you unsure if "just talking about things" could help? I have some good news. You may have found what you need.
Most people who come to me are struggling with unpleasant thoughts or feelings or with difficult relationships in their home, work, or community. Within themselves or from others, they may be experiencing stress, anxiety, fear, worry, anger, sadness, shame, self-doubt, self-judgment, or loneliness. Some have had histories of trauma, abuse, or neglect. They all realize that they could be happier and more secure than they are currently, but struggle to determine answers to the questions of why or how to change. Others find a therapeutic relationship to be good preparation and prevention for any of the conditions described above.
If you already experience some of these conditions, within yourself or from others around you, or if your body is often in pain, discomfort, or fatigued, these are signs that change is needed and available. If this sounds familiar, I think I can help you. Check out the information for New Clients next.
You may be searching for a counselor, a therapist for teens, adults, or couples' counselor, a spiritual director, life coach, or pastor. The title, 'Wise Elder in Training,' is a bit of light-hearted humor. Here, we meet as equals. I offer this passage from David Brooks' most recent book, How to Know a Person, as a description of what I mean: "Wise people enter with you into your process of meaning-making and then help you expand it, push it along. Much of life involves reconciling opposites: I want to be attached, but I also want to be free. Wise people create a safe space where you can navigate the ambiguities and contradictions we all wrestle with. They prod and lure you along until your own obvious solution emerges into view. Their essential gift is receptivity, The wise person is creating an atmosphere of hospitality, an atmosphere in which people are encouraged to set aside their fear of showing weakness, their fear of confronting themselves. In this atmosphere people are free to be themselves, encouraged to be honest with themselves."

Phone: 919 682 6549
Mailing Address: 226 Lydia Lane, Hillsborough, NC 27278
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